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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Founding of 'Archipel vzw'

20.08 1987

In 1987 the association was dismantleed and the non profit organization ‘archipel vzw’ was founded in Bruges.

In 1979 the ‘factual’ association “archipel” was created by several architects of West Flanders.

In 1987 the association was dismantleed and the non profit organization archipel vzw was founded in Bruges.

The founding / working members are:
Philippe Cardinael
Pascal Cottenier
Jan Debusschere
Freddy Shaft
Marc Dubois
Marc Felix
Franky Maes
Bernard Missinne
Eugène Vanassche
Jan Vandewalle