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The containerhouse | Competition Zuyenkerke

By Luc Maes, Filip Deceuninck, William Lievens & Ludo Sabbe
14.10 1980
Herberg 'Gasthof Den Engel'
8830 Gits

Competition Zuyenkerke

F. Deceuninck a competition design of Lawrence W. and L. Sabbe for the use of soft energies on a project of some 30 residences + infrastructure planned Zuyenkerke.
- Explanation of the basic principles of passive solar energy
- Explanation of the urban approach
- Explanation of the actual plans aksent technical provisions for the application of soft energies.
Interestingly, the urban approach and specific design, voortvloeind from the application of soft energies and at the same time inspired by the repetitive nature of strandkabines.

The minimum container house

A personal project, a kind of minimal container-house; recovery of the body of a kamion (13,000 fr), with a minimum of new elements turned into a livable space.
A zeilkonstruktie, apart from the container would be when a 2nd skin applied for a supplementary protection against rain and sun, and to create a transition area.
Interestingly, the philosophy that underpins the idea (cor. Y. Friedman and P. Cook Plug in City)
Perhaps, given the contemporary social shifts that are underway, and the ever-rising construction costs, the crisis of the unemployed, the fisische and mental Mobility, this is one of the only alternatives.

Followed by a discussion with the group; how this idea can be coupled with the best. urban structures, land ownership, among others?

Is not it more realistic play to existing urban and social structures to clean up and make it habitable again?

What is the current social role of the architect?

The profession of architect has grown historically an elitist profession.
The people who are really living needs, get no further than the supervisor or key on door, the architect is to forbid more and more gekultiveerde class. Can we do anything to put this image right?

Are there too many architects?
There are probably not enough, but put in any architect would adhere to the deonthologie (formatting serious construction records), there would be more work for other kollegas.
Eg. An individual architect to build 50 cases per year delivers that might actually provide five architects work.

What with the Order?
- It has long been established (already 10 years as Molleman: too much talk, when action?) That the Order is unable to enforce its own code of ethics, not to mention the role they should play in order to safeguard the quality of the architecture.
What can be done to alert the Order on its obligations?
The Order treed only in operation (is obliged to enter into force), when complaints are published with names and irrefutable evidence.
If Archipelago wishes to create better conditions in order to achieve a better architecture, the group must make use of this single means of pressure (assembling incriminating files), even if this strategy is not everyone’s enthusiasm will carry away.
If the order does not respond to these complaints, it will be in default by legal proceedings.
All those present agree with this hard action.