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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420

Theme 2025

TIME is the fourth dimension, a dimension we cannot control, yet it is all-important. Since time immemorial, time has fascinated and intrigued us. Time as a
cycle, time as duration, time as something divine, time as an objective measuring instrument, time as a philosophical concept. How do we get a grip on it?

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On the transmission of ideas within an architectural discourse

Job Floris (Monadnock, NL)
Hermann Czech (AU)

Knowledge, insights, skills, sensitivities are built up and passed on over the years. How do architects learn from each other and what do you pass on with your own work?

Radically Unfinished
A constant process of reworking, testing, re-evaluation and remaking

Mio Tsuneyama & Fuminori Nousaku (JP)

How to design in an evolving process where projects are never really ‘finished’?

Workshop day in search of the power of temporality.

Verloren Bekisting, Bebe Books, LEON dance, VROOMM collectief, Club Dérive

From temporarily filling space differently with choreography that invites encounters to a manifestation to the prefiguration of a new use for a square: temporality has many forms, messages and elaborations. How can the ephemeral or the temporary trigger certain dynamics?

Three homes on the rhythm of a day
About an intimate relationship with time, every moment of the day.

Marge architecten
Studio MOTO
Tim Rogge

The home is a constant background to life. It is where the day begins and ends. How does the rhythm of life during a single day give meaning to the spaces of the home?

30.04 04.05
Vienna & Brno
Livability and virtuosity

Against the backdrop of a rich architectural history, Vienna has been building an inclusive and liveable city for more than a hundred years. The idea that living is a basic right has placed Vienna among the top most liveable cities worldwide. Names such as Hermann Czech, Josef Hoffmann and Adolf Loos are inseparable from the city, which is worth exploring both socially and architecturally.

45 years of Archipel
Nevelleven: 12 hours of architecture and party

In the combination of architecture and celebration, space and time come together pre-eminently in a ritual, in a programme, in a scenography. How do we celebrate architecture in our city?

Drawing without erasing
Palimpsests in the oeuvre of Flores i Prats

Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats (E)

How can space be read in layers, new and old? How can something new be created without erasing the previous life of the place?

20.06 21.06
Two-day trip to Liege
Charles Vandenhove past...

After 45 years, Archipel returns to Liège. Which buildings remained standing during this journey through time? How do these buildings relate to our contemporary perception?

Students on their own work

How does the view of students, unbounded by the realities of practice, across disciplines, lead to a refreshing look at approaches to design?

City between dream and deed
Cycling tour Antwerp

How do we view the plans, utopias, the visible layers of small and large adjustments in Antwerp’s urban fabric over the years?

Gardening as an attitude
Two practices on urban green space in a changing climate

Wagon Landscaping (F)
Kollektif Landscape (B)

A garden is not a project, but a relationship to be maintained with care and love. How can the gardener’s attitude guide design processes in a changing climate?

Register of building biographical portraits
Archiving the first year

Laura Muyldermans
Bart Decroos

Can buildings be carriers of personal and animated stories from the past, which will be passed on to future residents?