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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Uncovering Industrial Heritage

Spatial Series @5
25.10 2017

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

How can derelict industrial buildings become catalysts for the neighborhood?

How can derelict industrial buildings become catalysts for the neighborhood?

They usually do not enjoy the romantic connotation often attributed to other ruins. They find them ugly and disturbing. They attract vandalism and reduce the quality of the neighborhood. Nevertheless, the refurbished factory buildings can be the start for a new chapter for the neighborhood. They build on the history of the place and add a layer.

a2o shows how you can deal with industrial heritage in a smart way. They do not provide a theoretical story, but with practical examples from their work they show how the often hidden potential of dilapidated factory buildings can be exposed and utilized.

Speaker: Frederique Hermans, architect at a2o and appointed as architect for the renovation of the building in Kogelstraat 34.

* Spatial Series* is a series of debates about architecture as a metaphor for social transformation. About infrastructure as a form of disectonomy of the old standard. About building as an invitation to hackable architecture. The series of lectures takes place i.h. a building project called 33 years of space.

33 years of space is a building protocol for a society on the move. The protocol describes a program that can grow and contract according to relative size.

EXPO SPACE is an exhibition that, together with the Spatial Series debate series, is part of the project 33 years of Space (2016-2017) and depicts the search for the form of the intangible behind what shapes our space.
The exhibition runs from 19.10.2017 20:00 to Tue. 31.10.2017 22:00.

Timelab is a city lab for new cooperation models. Timelab gives examples of small and big change. These inspire, ask for dialogue and encourage new perspectives. Timelab offers time, space and reflection to artists, designers, makers, scientists and anyone who wants to contribute to a society in motion. Timelab offers an open lab for the development of digital prototypes, co-creation projects, residencies, hands-on open workshops, lectures, debates and a co-working café