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Martine Pollier
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T +32 50 322 420


Time and space in Japan: MA

About tradition and mastery
22.03 2018
Theaterzaal Ledeberg

With the support of:

The mastery in Japan defies all imagination. Not only in the control of the architectural space, choice of materials and masterful detailing, but also in the surrender of knowledge.

Hera Van Sande Japan, the land of the rising sun, is the travel destination of 2018. The mastery in Japan defies all imagination. Not only in the control of the architectural space, choice of materials and masterful detailing, but also in the surrender of knowledge.
Archipel takes more than 200 architects to the land of the rising sun, divided over three trips.

Hera Van Sande

During her lecture, Hera Van Sande reflects on the particularity of the Japanese space. Based on MA, the concept of time and space in Japan, we will zoom in on various cultural aspects that form the basis of the rich architectural production of the last fifty years. The Mastership is also extended to the traditional master-student system that results in a special genealogy among the Japanese architects.