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Archipel architecture quiz 2019

Questions out of the rich architectural archive
08.02 2019
Theaterzaal Ledeberg

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

Retrieve your dusty knowledge, open those books again and prepare yourself!
Here comes the second Archipel Architecture quiz.

Federico Babina

We continue the tradition.

the second real Archipel Architecture quiz in Ghent.

It will be a swirling quiz with questions about architecture in its broadest sense. The quiz focuses on the archi-tecture of the 20th and 21st century. We use film or music fragments and surprising visual material that will stimulate your imagination.

Will the winners remain undefeated or will a new team be stronger in 2019 in plan-puzzling, lego-building and other architectural genius?

Retrieve your dusty knowledge, open those books again and prepare yourself!
With this edition we confirm the start of an exciting Archipel Quiz tradition.

Of course, we like to know how many people we can expect, so please register with teams up to 5 people stat-ing the chosen team name.