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T +32 50 322 420


Architects # 6 in Kortrijk

Lieven Dejaeghere and Denis Dujardin
24.10 2019
Kortrijk Weide | Depart
8500 Kortrijk

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Around the Kortrijk Creativity Week we zoom in on Kortrijk’s talent. The stage is given to architect Lieven Dejaeghere and landscape architect Denis Dujardin.

In the month of October Archipel traditionally joins the enthusiasm of Kortrijk in the annual event around creativity and design, Kortrijk Creativity Week. In this context, Archipel organizes an architecture lecture, in collaboration with Intermunicipal Leiedal and Design Regio Kortrijk.
This year two architectural firms from the Kortrijk region will explain their work.

Lieven Dejaeghere

“An architect never stops to develop”, according to Lieven Dejaeghere (1962). For each question, he examines the architectural and cultural context, quotes his predecessors and pays attention to what is happening in the contemporary architecture world. He is curious, talented and has a passion for the profession.

He remembers his internship with great enthusiasm as well as the first collaborations, and experienced them as more fascinating than his years at the University of Ghent.
Graduated in 1986 he immediately started his own practice and worked for about ten years as freelance at Stéphane Beel, consequently at Buro II. This experience strengthened Lieven as an architect.
Referring to a saying of Johan Anrijs (51N4E) Lieven describes his own approach:
“Architecture puts reality on stage. As a movie. Reality is part of a constructed spatial framework. Architecture is scenography. And the architect is both screenwriter and stage manager. When we put this reality in scene, we cannot be satisfied with a single gesture, a single target. We cannot think startin from one single angle. We need to collect different stories. Many stories. “
This implies that the final form is never determined from the beginning. It takes time: the project undergoes different stages and sometimes also needs to rest. It takes time, work, effort.

Denis Dujardin

Denis Dujardin is a Flemish nomadic consultant on landscaping and urbanism. He teaches “Paysage” and “Lieux d’expressions” at the UCL, faculty of Architecture in the town of Tournai (B). He is guest professor in the departments Architecture and Urbanism in different schools and universities in Belgium and neighbouring countries. His signature is the focus on the feasibility, the self-evidence and the invisibility of the project. His work often features the idea of theatrically dissimulating the act of the intervention.
He writes essays on art, more specifically on painting. He is the author of about 200 gardens in Belgium and abroad. He has an ongoing collaboration with landscape architects Stefaan Thiers and Thomas Janssens. He is a member of the Art/Architecture collective Tractor specialized in public space issues.