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Who will win the second Ghent architecture prize?

Ghent Architecture Prize ceremony

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

The City of Ghent will award an architecture prize for the second time on 6 October 2024. The prize awards recently realised projects on Ghent territory that testify to design strength and innovation and are a lasting enrichment for the city.

Olmo Peeters

Every three years, the Ghent Architecture Platform awards remarkable buildings, infrastructure or landscape projects that contribute to the spatial quality of our city. This is how we build an architectural climate that celebrates Ghent’s individuality, nurtures the design sector and embraces active commissioning. We are awarding prizes for the second time. Linked to this presentation is a bicycle tour along the award-winning projects in the architectural city of Ghent. After all, what better way to discover Ghent than by bicycle?

The prize draws attention to the importance of the quality of our living environment and careful design in the city. Every project completed on Ghent territory that is no more than three years old is eligible. In principle, any building can compete for the prize. Small or large, residential or office, school or business premises: anything goes. Bridges, squares, parks or landscape projects may also be entered. Not only new buildings, but also renovations, repurposing, temporary infills or spatial installations are welcome.

“In Ghent, we choose spatial and architectural quality. This award will reward and promote good designs. With it, we stimulate dialogue, strive for quality in our beautiful city and put architecture more on the map.”
Filip Watteeuw, Alderman for Mobility, Urban Planning and Public Space

“With the new architecture prize, we celebrate design talent and daring commissioning. But it is also a way to encourage architectural ambition and innovation in Ghent. Good examples follow. With the initiative, we also want to give reflection, depth, opinion and discussion about architecture in Ghent a permanent place.”
Peter Vanden Abeele, Ghent city architect

All info on the prize and participation at

The Ghent Architecture Prize is an initiative of the City of Ghent, the Ghent city architect en Archipel vzw in collaboration with the partners of the Ghent Architecture Platform: Design Museum Gent, het STAM, University of Ghent Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas Ghent, KASK & Conservatorium School of Arts HOGENT & Howest.

“This event is the start of a long-term cooperation between various Ghent partners to give more visibility to reflection on architecture and to position itself more self-confidently as a city on architectural culture. It will be a festive day.”
Hera Van Sande, artistic coordinator Archipel vzw

All about the first edition