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Who will win the second Ghent architecture prize?

Ghent Architecture Prize ceremony

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

The City of Ghent will award an architecture prize for the second time on 6 October 2024. The prize awards recently realised projects on Ghent territory that testify to design strength and innovation and are a lasting enrichment for the city.

Ulrich Schwarz

Filip Dujardin

Laurian Ghinitoiu

Dennis De Smet

Filip Dujardin

Valentijn Goethals

Stijn Bollaert

Dennis de Smet


Stijn Bollaert

Melanie Boeckxstaens

dblv architecten


Luc Roymans

studio MOTO

Havana architectuur

Stad Gent, Maarten Boes

OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen

Filip Dujardin

stad gent

Twenty contenders for Ghent Architecture Prize 2024

The nominations for the Ghent Architecture Prize 2024 have been announced. From 130 entries, 20 projects have been nominated. On 6 October, the winners will be announced during a closing show at the Winter Circus. Those who want to discover the projects now can do so with a new cycle route.

The triennial Architecture Prize will soon be awarded for the second time. The 20 nominated projects range from large-scale initiatives like the Winter Circus to small-scale but shrewd projects like the circular home Soberrijk. Cohousing projects, social housing and projects that breathe new life into historical elements are also represented. The full shortlist can be found at all about

“The projects nominated for the Ghent Architecture Prize 2024 demonstrate the rich breeding ground Ghent offers for innovative design. These projects not only contribute to the aesthetics of our city, they also increase the liveability and sustainability of our urban environment, and feed the discussion on pressing spatial issues.”
Filip Watteeuw, Alderman for Town Planning and Public Spaces

Two jury’s

De komende maand zullen zowel een vakjury als een publieksjury de projecten bezoeken en beoordelen. Omdat Gent dit jaar Europese Jongerenhoofdstad is, bestaat de publieksjury volledig uit jongeren. De vakjury bestaat uit voorzitter Kelly Hendriks (B-ILD architecten), Asli Çiçek, Wes Degreef (BC architects & studies & materials), Aglaée Degros (Artgineering, Institute of Urbanism TU Graz) en Janik Beckers (51N4E).

“I am very curious about what young people think is important in architecture in Ghent and what criteria they will use to judge the nominated projects. Their fresh perspectives and ideas are crucial for the future of our city. I look forward to seeing how they will appreciate the balance between innovation, sustainability and liveability and what vision they have for the architecture of tomorrow.”
Peter Vanden Abeele, stadsbouwmeester Gent

Cycling route

For the occasion, a bicycle route has been mapped out along the nominated projects, downloadable at Ghent residents can announce their preferences at the Instagramaccount @architectuurgent of met de hashtag #archiprijsgent.

Ghent Architecture Prize

The triennial Ghent architecture prize was awarded for the first time in 2021. Back then, the honour went to the Kapitein Zeppos Park on the Houtdok and the Lab 15 company building in Wondelgem. With this prize, the Ghent Architecture Platform awards remarkable buildings, infrastructure or landscape projects that contribute to the spatial quality of our city. This is how we build an architectural climate that celebrates Ghent’s individuality, nurtures the design sector and embraces active commissioning.

The prize draws attention to the importance of the quality of our living environment and of careful design in the city. Any realised project on Ghent territory not older than three years is eligible. In principle, any building can compete for the prize. Small or large, residential or office, school or business premises: anything goes. Bridges, squares, parks or landscape projects may also be entered. Not only new buildings, but also renovations, repurposing, temporary infills or spatial installations are welcome.

We are awarding prizes for the second time.
On Sunday 6 October, the awards ceremony will take place from 18h00 to 19h30 at the Winter Circus in Ghent. Booking is recommended.

Thanks to those who made the Ghent 2024 architecture prize possible!

Thank you list

Expo Exclusief – Inclusief: Young people design for Ghent

This edition, the public jury consists entirely of young people from Ghent. In order to promote architecture among young people, last academic year an initiative also ran in some design courses in secondary and higher education. Pupils and students set to work during workshops on the ideas of Ghent youth to redesign the city’s space. The results are shown in a dazzling expo in the EGW building in Ghent, from 6 October to 20 October


The Ghent Architecture Prize is an initiative of the City of Ghent, de Gentse stadsbouwmeester en Archipel vzw in samenwerking met de partners van het Gents Architectuurplatform: Design Museum Gent, het STAM, de vakgroep architectuur en stedenbouw van de Universiteit Gent, de faculteit architectuur van de KU Leuven, Campus Sint Lucas Gent, KASK & Conservatorium School of Arts HOGENT & Howest.

All about the first edition