Archipel organizes an outdoor lecture, under the canopy designed by the Brussels architectsoffice BAUKUNST. The engineeringoffice behind this clever piece of ingenuity, shows us a look behind the scenes at how architecture and structure meet each other.
UTIL takes us into a world of reasoning, calculations, figures and experiments with poetry and give strength to architectural concepts. We are invited to Sint-Jans Molenbeek, in the heart of Brussels, under a canopy of 1 meter thick with an area of 18.2 × 18.2 m which is only supported by four concrete columns in the middle of the 4 sides. A breathtaking work of art!
Util, founded in 2007, is a consulting company specialized in stability studies for interesting architecture and art projects. In close collaboration with the designers they seek structural solutions that are as close as possible to their concept or trying to strengthen. The four directors, Frans Leenaerts, Filip Van de Voorde, Rolf Vansteenwegen and Pieter Ochelen are civil engineers-architects, and try to make this background to ensure a good architecture which is supported by a clear structure. They organize the conceptual development of the structure that arises in the discussion with the architects.
Util now has six additional architectural engineers as project engineers in the service, which will provide the technical calculations in the tender phase and the monitoring of the various sites during the implementation phase. The drawings will be distributed over another five permanent and part-time employees, all of whom have an architectural background.
Util has its office in downtown Brussels and working from there on projects in Belgium and occasionally in Europe (France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland) or further away (Shanghai).
They provide stability studies for more than 150 architects offices, with whom they are constantly in close contact to find the best possible solution. From time to time they contribute in some winning projects in local,national and even international architectural competitions.