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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


PechaKucha #04

Poëtry of Daily Dignity
28.09 2017

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

In the Archipel program PechaKucha becomes a true tradition. The previous 3 editions gave 33 young Flemish agencies a platform for a very young and numerous audience. In this fourth edition, another 10 young agencies presents their work in the special format.

For Archipel, PechaKucha becomes a true tradition. In the previous 3 editions, 33 young Flemish agencies spoke for a very young and numerous audience. In this fourth edition, tens of young agencies present their work in the special format.

PechaKucha is a concept that originated in Japan in 2003 and has since spread worldwide. An explanation according to the PechaKucha concept implies that speakers – each in 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide-telling what inspires them and what their vision is on the subject. In this way, the audience is challenged with insights and ideas at a skilled pace and this in a visual, to-the-point presentation. A dynamic evening full of vibrant ideas from young agencies that get a platform to announce their work to the wider public.
For the edition of 2017, 10 young agencies were asked to reflect on the poetry of the everyday:
AgwA (Brussels), BEL Architecten (Antwerpen), Burobill (Brussels), Petillon Ceuppens architecten (Antwerpen), Label Architecture (Brussels), Marcel (Antwerpen/Geraardsbergen), Ouest Architecture (Brussels), Studiobont (Gent), VERS.A (Brussels), PLOEG architecten (Drongen).

The above images are provided by the architectural agencies. The copyright lies either with them or with a photographer of their choice.
More information about the Pecha Kucha evening can be found at:
PechaKuchaGhent: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Archipel: Facebook