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Kunlé Adeyemi (NG)

Liquid City 6: MFS III — Minne Floating School
16.09 2018
Concertgebouw - Concertzaal

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

The Nigerian architect Kunlé Adeyemi (1976, Lagos) is known internationally for his socio-ecological projects on the African continent.
The Triennial ends with a presentation in the large concert hall of the Concertgebouw by Kunlé Adeyemi, who will talk about his work.

Reze Bonn

Kunlé Adeyemi

The Nigerian architect Kunlé Adeyemi (1976, Lagos) is internationally known for his socio-ecological projects on the African continent. With his architecture, he tries to meet the challenges facing the continent today: rapid urbanization, combined with a threatening raw material shortage, where the usable surface is increasingly shrinking due to rising sea levels. With his architectural practice under the name NLE he works from Amsterdam and Lagos, Nigeria.

Makoko Floating School

Adeyemi’s most famous building is undoubtedly the “(external) Makoko Floating School”: http: //, a floating structure, a school pavilion for the lagoon of the Nigerian city of Lagos. The project is part of African Water Cities, a research project of its architecture, design and urban development practice NLÉ, founded in 2010, with a focus on the development of cities and the relationship between people and water in the context of climate change and the fast urbanising cities with vulnerable communities. Adeyemi sees his work as a social task: in his view, urban development and architecture should contribute to improving society.
Iwan Baan

MFSIII Minne Floating School

The MFSIII Minne Floating School is the ultimate version of this floating school. It serves as a prototype of a structure that meets our physical and social needs in the light of the ever-growing challenges that climate change poses. On the iconic Minnewater, this school becomes a place of collaboration, where pupils from different Bruges schools can take classes and exhibit works.
Matthias Desmet