SLOW (36h)
Hannah Van Eenooghe
Concertgebouw Brugge organizes the 36-hour SLOW event in February. You get 36 hours of time to stand still. We walk and stop in a society that runs and takes a flight forward. Follow your intuition and forget about your clock: experience ‘time’ as ‘expensive’, enjoy maximum resources, move through the city in determined but slow movements and bring yourself into a trance through repetition. SLOW (36h) leads to a massage of the senses and – who knows – spiritual experiences. For once it is not the intention to attend as many concerts and events as possible.
Archipel contributes to this edition with a self-made production: a visual event zooming in on the slowness of the Japanese ancient culture. In 2018, 270 people travelled to Japan with Archipel. Through their eyes, images and objects were recorded of a culture, slowly entrenched through the centuries, in tradition and modernity.
Time: just stop at a haiku …
石 の 香 や
夏 草 赤 く
露 暑 し
ishi no ka ya
natsu kusa akaku
tsuyu atsushi
The smell of rocks
Red summer grasses
Hot dew drops