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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420



On the transmission of ideas within an architectural discourse


With the support of:

Job Floris (Monadnock, NL)
Hermann Czech (AU)

Knowledge, insights, skills, sensitivities are built up and passed on over the years. How do architects learn from each other and what do you pass on with your own work?

Stijn Bollaert

Following the architecture trip to Vienna, we zoom in on the work of Viennese architect Hermann Czech, himself strongly influenced by Adolf Loos, Josef Frank and Konrad Wachsmann. His work is strongly defined by a palpable awareness of time and working on the underlying order of context. Monadnock’s work also focuses on the transmission of ideas within architectural discourse.

Job Floris is a writing architect. He reflects on the practices of others and, with the firm Monadnock, produces buildings with a palpable awareness of time and of the transmission of ideas within the architectural discourse. Hermann Czech is a Viennese architect who – throughout his long career – has made adaptations and conversions of existing buildings his trademark. The architects are kindred spirits and represent different generations. They discuss time, umbau and the passing on of inspiration between generations.