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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420



Workshop day in search of the power of temporality.


With the support of:

Verloren Bekisting, Bebe Books, LEON dance, VROOMM collectief, Club Dérive

From temporarily filling space differently with choreography that invites encounters to a manifestation to the prefiguration of a new use for a square: temporality has many forms, messages and elaborations. How can the ephemeral or the temporary trigger certain dynamics?

A study day tailored for students from the various design courses in Ghent. This day, we will take a closer look at practices that actively use temporality. They use the ephemeral or the temporary to trigger certain dynamics, to experiment or to make a statement. Together with the students, they work for a day to transform the power of temporariness into a manifesto, an intervention, action or presentation. In the evening, we swing open the doors and display everything in an instant exhibition open to the public.