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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


City between dream and deed

Cycling tour Antwerp


With the support of:

How do we view the plans, utopias, the visible layers of small and large adjustments in Antwerp’s urban fabric over the years?

Like no other city in Flanders, Antwerp bears traces of urban development from all eras of history. Archipel explores various Antwerp neighbourhoods by bike to reflect on one of the most important metropolitan challenges, namely housing its population. We visit the modernist Tentoonstellingswijk, the Kiel with the Braemtowers, cycle along the Scheldt quays on our way to Linkeroever. Along this route, we look at the plans, utopias, the visible layers of small and large adjustments in the urban fabric over the years.

Courtesy of:
Three Antwerp ladies: Anna, Ilse, Muriëlle
Soon Gallery
Studio Okami