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Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Collequium Karljosef Schattner (DE)

With Karljosef Schattner & Marc Dubois
30.11 1991
Hoger Technisch Instituut, Brugge

In collaboration with:

Bouwen en Wonen NU, Brugge

After an introduction by Marc Dubois on the works of Karl Josef Schattner in Eichstatt, we ask Schattner to put his views regarding the problems of contemporary architecture in valuable historical sites and specifically his vision of Bruges.

(autotranslated) Prof. Karl Josef Schattner (°1924) is one of the most prominent German architects, along with Günter Behnisch, Gottfried Böhm, Frei Otto and Oswald Matthias Ungers. In 1947 he took charge of the episcopal office building in the Bavarian town of Eichstatt. Almost his entire body of work he produced in this small college town. The nature of the job is very diverse: student residences, lecture halls, a library, residential and museological design. Especially the conversion of the Waisenhaus to Institute of Psychology and Journalism (1985-1988) received international press very positive reactions. With extreme sensitivity to the local context, he managed to create an architecture that would disturb however, claiming its autonomy without kontinuïteit of the town.

His work is also characterized by a competence in the technical development; every detail is designed with great care and love. Karl Josef Schattner is undoubtedly one of the most exciting architects in Europe in relation to the issue of new contemporary architecture in valuable historical sites. Its architecture is not one of them wegcamoufleren. For him, “integration architecture” in a manner that ensures correct as possible to grasp the potential of the site and incorporate it into the design.

In 1988 a monograph by Hatje Verlag Karl Josef Schattner: Architect ein aus Eichstatt. Since 1989 he has been a visiting professor at the ETH Zurich, the University of Technology. In 1990 Schattner for his work the BDA prize, the highest distinction that can befall an architect in Germany.
The exhibition is organized by Building Housing Now in collaboration with Foundation Architektuurmuseum association and the Goethe Institut.

The colloquium will focus on the work of Prof. arch. Schattner, who will be personally present. He will also be distinct point of view on the Bruges contemporary architecture. The introductory lecture by Marc Dubois happening in Dutch. For questions and discussion with the audience will provide an interpreter. The presentation of the works of Professor Schattner in Bruges will be a stimulus to discuss how contemporary architecture can relate to the existing.


donderdag 28 november – 19.30: Bank Brussel Lambert, Markt 18, Brugge
Opening tentoonstelling Karljosef Schattner (architekt uit Eichstätt); De tentoonstelling loopt verder van 29 november tot 14 december; ma-zat 9u.00 tot 12u.30, 14u.00 tot 18u.00.

zaterdag 30 november – 10.00: Groene Poort, Hoger Technisch Instituut, Spoorwegstraat 12, St. Michiels – Brugge