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Martine Pollier
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T +32 50 322 420


American marginal architecture

By Van Lerberghe
17.02 1981
Herberg 'Gasthof Den Engel'
Kerkplein 1
8830 Gits

In collaboration with:

boekhandel ‘Media en Theoria’

How exciting and ingenuity can one be when he loosens himself out a conformist mindset? Some living forms have no restrictions. Such architecture questions the whole urbanization.

Books, magazines and slides spoke for themselves.
The meeting in seven lines:
1. display of some books and magazines available at ‘Media and Theory “(Kortrijk).
2. Slides on marginal and their original architecture in the USA.
3. Insight in books and magazines, very beautiful and interesting things!

Mr. From Lerberghe has a broad fan of tema around and can touch on the proposed architecture in books and magazines. This suggests how interesting it must be his bookstore. It looked busy and browsed.

Bernard Hamburger

The slides clearly showed us how fascinating and ingenuity can be a man when he knows himself loose to work out a konformistische thinking. Woonvormen indeed know no limits and as there was noted down such architecture urbanization whole question, but yeah that’s another story.
Yet this was a fresh and invigorating message.