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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Pecha Kucha

Young architects
01.10 2015
Auditorium Leon De Meyer van de Universiteit Gent – UFO

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

After the huge success of the first Pecha Kucha in September 2014 giving stage to 11 promising young offices who presented their work and ideas in a swirling way to 450 people attending this event in Gent, this initiative will be repeated in October 2015 with more Young!! talent.

After the huge success of the first Pecha Kucha in September 2014 killing 11 young offices in a dazzling way for 450 people present their work and ideas suggested, this initiative will start October 2015 be repeated again Jong! ! talent. PechaKucha is a concept that originated in Japan in 2003 and since then has spread worldwide. A statement according to the PechaKucha concept means that each speaker in 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, tell what inspires them or their concerns and / or vision of bringing to the public. In this way, the audience is stimulated to a decisive pace with insights and ideas and this in a visual, to-the-point presentation. A dynamic evening full of sparkling ideas of young agencies that have a platform to publicize their work to the wider public.

So far there are 11 very young participating offices: Pieter Van Doorn (Antwerp), i/o architecten (Sint-Niklaas), Zoom_Architecten (Ghent), Overal Architectuur (Mechelen), Marge (Ghent), Martens Van Caimere (Ghent), Objekt Architecten (Aalst/Antwerp), Perneel Osten (Gentbrugge), Eagles of Architecture (Antwerp), Areal Architecten (Antwerp), MADAM Architectuur (Brussels).

More information can be found at:
PechaKuchaGhent: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Archipel: Facebook