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Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


"Japan, archipel of the house"

25.03 2016

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

Talking about the individual house in Japan is about addressing a topical theme in architecture and about targeting the look of urbanism and the society in general. In this exhibition the property exceeds the strict framework of the form of an answer to a particular program. Talking about the contemporary home in Japan, is primarily about showing the relationship to the living history and the interaction between them.

The Japanese house has captivated and intrigued many people for a long time, but at the same time it raises questions about habitability.

Japon, l’archipel de la maison (Japan, archipelago of the house) is a traveling exhibition about contemporary houses in Japan. The exhibition offers a historical perspective and a clear context to understand the development of these living spaces. The exhibition shows three parts.

The first section Yesterday’s Houses contains fourteen case studies of well-known twentieth-century houses, considered as milestones, not only because of their quality of life, but by their reaction to the natural and built environment that surrounds them.

The second part Tokyo Houses is a photographic documentary with thirty six portraits of houses in their immediate context.

The third part Today’s Houses includes twenty case studies of contemporary houses, illustrated with maps, photos and videos.

The exhibition is conceived and curated by three architects (Véronique Hours, Fabien Mauduit, Manuel Tardits) and a photographer (Jérémie Souteyrat).

The translation into Dutch and English has been facilitated by Design museum Gent, Looiersgracht 60 Amsterdam and Archipel vzw.

We are delighted to host this exhibition as a reflective exercise on living qualities within the constraints of site, budget and space.