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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Building Biospheres

About the impact of natural intelligence of plants on architecture


In collaboration with:

With the support of:

Bureau Bas Smets
Stefano Mancuso (IT) – (TBC)

Humans are sensitive, but so are plants. To learn more (and feel more), we will travel to Kortrijk in October. Humans have five senses, so does a plant, as well as at least 15 others. Plants warn each other with scents about hostile herbivores, form huge networks with their roots and communicate with birds, insects and each other about their environment. Not for nothing do leading scientists now put plants on the same evolutionary step as animals.

Bas Smets La Defense Trinity, Courbevoie, Paris

What can we learn from the networks in forests? How can urban nature achieve the same integration, biodiversity and sustainability? Urban nature (parks,…) is above all at the service of people, the urban dweller and her need for relaxation and rest. How can we look beyond the inherently anthropocentric nature of these places and think from nature itself? We let two experts, landscape architect Bas Smets and Italian biologist and professor of botany Stefano Mancuso have their say.

Lecture will be in English.


This architecture lecture is a collaboration with Leiedal and Designregio Kortrijk and is part of WONDER, Creativity Festival.