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Exclusief Inclusief - Design event

Exhibition: Designs for Ghent until 20 October
Voormalige EGW-gebouw - Administratief centrum zuid

In collaboration with:

With the support of:

In 2024, the year of Ghent European Youth Capital, more than 30 studios collaborated on a participatory narrative for Ghent to integrate young people as key actors for life in the city of the future. Their work will be exhibited.

Leonie Overmeire, Studio Le Grand Tour (KUL)

Ghent has many young people, including many students. In 2024, Ghent was the European Youth Capital and a lot of thought went into the city. In 2023, fifty city youths from five youth organisations in five neighbourhoods put a hundred design challenges on the table. And they did so in places in the city where they saw potential. Places where they want to take the UN- out of unsafe (drunks, traffic, tourism, swearing tirades, rubbish… ), unaffordable (housing, consumption, catering… ), unreachable (sports clubs, gentrification, outskirts…), uninhabitable (lack of silence, shelter, hangout spot…), and inaccessible (roads, facilities…).

Young people in Ghent need exclusive space with an inclusive character. They long for ‘a sanctuary’, where they can feel safe, they long for a ‘community’, where they can meet and be together, they long for ‘space for play’, where they can play sports, flirt, watch and be watched, they long for ‘a cocoon’, spaces where they can be safe and unwind.

What will Ghent look like in the future if it depends on young people? The only way to find out is to ask them and let them imagine it. A lot of young designers set to work with the above findings, went into the city and looked for answers to the questions.
Design schools from home and abroad jumped on the bandwagon. It is the first time that so many design workshops all worked around the same theme EXCLUSIVEINCLUSIVE. The projects are divided into four diverse typologies of different scale: the house – the classroom – the kiosk – the square and/or the road.

Ira Weglau & Sigrid Neffgen, Studio BAU: Building As Usual (RWTH Aachen)

Groep Gazon.Driehoek, Studio John (KUL)

Evi Waeckens & Floor Defraene, De Kiosk is Dood, Lang Leve de Kiosk (UGent)

Groep 05, De Bonte Leeuw (UGent)


This exhibition is part of the Design event Exclusief Inclusief, Organised by the City Architect Team and Archipel as part of Ghent European Youth Capital 2024.

Participating courses

Ghent Academy of Fine Arts – Part-time Art Education (DKO)
Catholic University of Leuven – (KUL)
• Faculty of Architecture, Campus Saint-Lucas Ghent & Brussels
• Educational master’s degree in design sciences
LUCA school of Arts
KASK & Conservatorium (HOGENT / Howest) – Landscape and garden architecture
Kunsthumaniora Sint Lucas Ghent (Arts Humanities)- Department of Architectural Arts
Technical University Aachen (RWTH, D) – Fakultät für Architektur, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Raumgestaltung
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, NL) – Interiors Buildings Cities & Building Engineering Studio
Technical College Lausanne (EPFL, CH) – School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ghent University (UGent) – Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

Curatorenteam Archipel
• Paul Hendrikse
• Martha Meijer
• Marie Van Pottelsberghe
• Hera Van Sande

Graphic design
• Ronny Duquenne

Made possible by
• KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas Ghent
• City of Ghent

Thanks to those who made the Exclusively Inclusive 2024 design event possible!

Thank you list

Exclusief Inclusief – Architectuur Platform Gent