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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Drawing without erasing

Palimpsests in the oeuvre of Flores i Prats


With the support of:

Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats (E)

How can space be read in layers, new and old? How can something new be created without erasing the previous life of the place?

Judith Casas

Catalan duo Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats use drawing as a fundamental element in their design process. They thus map out history and meanings of a place. Even in their built projects, they work with respect to what is already there by making subtle additions that reinforce what is already there. They call themselves architects who “draw without erasing”. In their idea, space can be read in layers, new and old, without erasing the previous life of the place. The duo’s biggest achievement in Belgium is the Théâtre des Variétés in Brussels, scheduled to open in 2026.