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Martine Pollier
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T +32 50 322 420


Junya Ishigami - Freeing Architecture

Exhibition in Fondation Cartier, Paris
28.08 2018
Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain

With the support of:

The subject fits perfectly with the Japan Travel 2018 of Archipel.
Reason enough to organize a group visit to this ‘must see’ exhibition.

Junya Ishigami

Architect Junya Ishigami started his career with the architectural office SANAA.
Anyone who went through the Japan trip in the spring will undoubtedly have nice memories of the Kanagawa Institute of Technology
The pure white glass box with 305 slender columns, studied nonchalantly planned, the lightness and inventiveness of the building have left a strong impression on many people. For the participants in the autumn trip: “the Best is Yet to Come”.
The work of Ishigami is strongly inspired by nature. He likes to compare his buildings with landscapes, clouds or forests. The boundary between inside and outside is virtually non-existent.
He makes architecture that floats and that erases itself until there is as little substance as possible left over.
Junya Ishigami+associates

Freeing Architecture.

“I wish to think freely: expand my perspective on architecture as flexible, broadly, and subtly as possible, beyond the stereotypes of what architecture is considered to be.”
This is how Junya Ishigami describes his working method and thinking on the Fondation website.

Due to great success, the exhibition has been extended until 9 September 2018.
We, too, received nothing but raving criticism about this exhibition. With Japan on the travel program 2018 of Archipel this is a great opportunity.
Reason enough to organize a group visit to this must-see exhibition.