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Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420


Andy Malengier (BE)

The quiet experience of the outdoor space
04.10 2018
Theaterzaal Ledeberg

With the support of:

Landscape architect Andy Malengier designs oases of peace and quiet: places that modern man needs in his everyday world.

Landscape architect Andy Millenier designs and develops beautiful country estates in harmony with the natural entourage and cultural context where something fundamentally human can be experienced. Places with an optimal experience where meeting and involvement are central. Where the road to it is equally important. Where a balance between openness and security gives people a comfortable feeling or where the ritual of parting and the later commemoration of a loved one continue in a serene frame. Places where the art of living, the art of dying and the art of letting go find the perfect harmony. Under the succession of the seasons, with a combination of shapes and lines, closeness and perspective, the places designed by Andy Malengier are small oases of peace and quiet. Places that modern man in his banal and profane daily world needs.
Andy Malengier, born in Ieper on June 9, 1971, maintains a clear philosophy. His designs must have a positive effect on the mood of man and the further (re) design of the outdoor space. As a child Andy had a constant fondness for nature, landscapes and signs. At the age of 15 he went to Ghent to attend classes in the Artistic Humanities department of Sint-Lucas (where he received oales from Gilbert Decouvreur, a meeting that would permanently draw him.) He was not only confronted with signs and designing, but also with architecture, design, art, painting, building scale models.
Andy Malengier
Landscape architect Andy Malengier designs oases of peace and quiet: places that modern man needs in his everyday world. We immerse ourselves in a lecture and we learn how Andy Malengier allows a landscape decorum to be experienced and how in a story about silence, beauty, awareness and a spirituality the experience of man is central.

Experience the work of Malengier.

On Saturday 6 October, following the lecture, a number of cemeteries and a drop core will be visited in West Flanders. With a bus we drive past Wervik, Oostnieuwkerke, Vleteren, Poperinge, …

Click here for the detailed program.