Bruno Vanbesien

Bruno Vanbesien (°Aalst, March 12, 1976) is a Belgian architect. The office bruno vanbesien architects is located in Brussels.
Bruno Vanbesien graduated from the WENK (Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst) in Brussels, he worked in the office of Pascal François in Aalst and started his own office in 2005 in Brussels. He was president of Archipel from 2014 till 2020.
Poised between the concern to create a warm environment and the quest for a fascinating interplay of lines and surfaces that maximize the minimum, Bruno Vanbesien realizes architectural gems with a subtle precision. Bruno Vanbesien is interested in the whole aproach, from early concept, over the small detail till the final execution. Spaciousness, circulation, light perception and perspective forming the core of every design. Sustainable, natural an honest materials, refined detailing, perception of space, perspectives and lots of light are the basis of every project.