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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420

Enzo Catellani

Enzo Catellani (°Zibello near Parma, March 27th 1950) is an Italian designer of Catellani & Smith and lives in Bergamo.

During the 80s he begins the production in limited series of lamps of his own creation, to be sold in his own shop. In 1989 the lamps attract the attention of Renate and Peter Meese, distributors of Düsseldorf, and presented during Fiera Ambiente in Frankfurt gaining immediately success of public. In the same year he grounded the Catellani & Smith, which thanks to creativity, perseverance and with the help of a great staff, leads him to prestige and success, from Europe to the rest of the world. The uniqueness of his production system and the peculiarity of the working spaces make this company destination of interest and visit from specialized magazines and international clients.