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Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420

Massimo Pica Ciamarra

Massimo Pica Ciamarra (°Napoli, July 9th, 1937) is an Italian architect who started his own office in 1970.

He graduated in Architecture in 1960 in Naples, where he was taught by Roberto Pane, Carlo Cocchia and Giulio De Luca. Ciamarra become assistant to Marcello Canino and then Michele Capobianco. From 1971 to 2007 he covered various reasons the Chair of Architectural Design at the University of Naples “Federico II”. After graduation he worked in the studio of Francesco Della Sala, where he met Riccardo Dalisi with whom he associated in 1963.