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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420

Masuda + Otsubo

Masuda + Otsubo is a Japanese architects office founded in 2007 in Tokyo by Shingo Masuda and Katsuhisa Otsubo.

Shingo Masuda (増田信吾 °1982, Tokyo) graduated from Musashino Art University in 2007

Katsuhisa Otsubo (大坪克亘 °1983, Saitama) graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2007

Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects mainly focuses on the subtle interventions that, based on a contextual analysis, reveal the characteristics of a location. By incorporating these observations into their projects or paying attention to what otherwise goes unnoticed, the architects challenge the known and thus give (new) meaning and structure to a place. A gesture in which interior and exterior merge into an architectural landscape that feels both monumental and ephemeral, familiar and surprising to anyone who uses it or walks past it.

Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects was laureate of the AR Emerging Architecture Award 2014 and won the prestigious Yoshioka Prize (Japan Architect) in 2015.