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Contact | Secretariaat
Martine Pollier
Zandstraat 324, 8200 Brugge
T +32 50 322 420

Nollet & Huyghe

Tomas Nollet (°Ostend 1967) and Hilde Huyghe (°Bruges, 1968) started in 1992 together their office in Bruges.

Nollet & Huyghe explore the limits of constructive logic on the basis of paradoxical materiality. From their conceptual design conception beauty without ugliness does not exist. Robustness in relation to finesse. On the one hand there arises a game in which the materials they are lighter or heavier materials do appear or to which they certain properties of the material – such as hardness – to disappear, for example, on the basis of screen wall, or by applying black linseed oil on a facing brick. On the other hand reach a certain sensuality components for them if they have a rough and dirty aspect.