Huib Hoste

Huib Hoste (°Bruges, February 6, 1881 – †Hove, August 18, 1957) was a Belgian architect, designer and urban planner.
Hoste studied in Ghent. He was a trainee at the architect Charles De Wulf and Louis Cloquet. After the outbreak of the First World War, he fled with his family to the neutral Netherlands, where he had previously traveled. He got to know the work of Hendrik Petrus Berlage and met with architects Van ‘t Hoff, Wils, Old, Kramer and De Klerk, and artists like Mondrian and Van Doesburg. By letter contact with Van Doesburg and his friendship with Louis van der Swaelmen and Raphael Verwilghen he became convinced of the need for modern architecture.
In 1928 Hoste joined the Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), an organization promoting functional architecture and urbanism. As editor of Building, he participated in the lively discussion on the development of the left bank of Antwerp. He proposed a major residential town for workers. After World War II he and art critic KN Elno the magazine space, that from 1953 to 1956 and appeared solid contributions brought about architecture, urban planning and design.