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T +32 50 322 420

Maxwell Fry & Jane Drew

Maxwell Fry & Jane Drew were Englisch architects.

They worked in West Africa designing schools and universities, and with Fry and Pierre Jeanneret, on the housing at Chandigarh, the new capital of the Punjab. They designed buildings in Ghana, Nigeria, Iran and Sri Lanka. In London they did social housing, buildings for the Festival of Britain, and helped to establish the Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Edwin Maxwell Fry (°2 August 1899 – †3 September 1987), was an English modernist architect. Originally trained in the neo-classical style of architecture, Fry grew to favour the new modernist style, and practised with eminent colleagues including Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret.

Joyce Beverly Drew (°24 March 1911 – †27 July 1996) was an English modernist architect and town planner. She qualified at the Architectural Association School in London, and prior to World War II became one of the leading exponents of the Modern Movement in London.