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T +32 50 322 420

Shigeru Ban

Shigeru Ban (坂 茂, ° Tokyo, August 5, 1957) is a Japanese architect. Ban won the Pritzker Prize in 2014.

Ban began his studies at the Southern California Institute of Architecture in 1977. After 3 years he transferred to the Cooper Union’s School of Architecture, where he directed under John Hejduk st and graduated in 1984. Shigeru Ban has worked at some universities in the field of architecture, such as the Tama Art College (多 摩 美術 大学, Tama bijutsu daigaku), Yokohama State University (横 浜 国立 大学 Yokohama kokuritsu daigaku), and Nihon University (日本 大学, Nihon daigaku).