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T +32 50 322 420

Alfredo Payá

Alfredo Payá Benedito (°Alicante, March 19th, 1961) is a Spanisch architect.

Alfredo Payá graduated as an architect from the Superior Technical Architecture School of Madrid in 1988 and earned his doctorate from the same institution in 2005. He founded the noname 29 office in Alicante, Spain, in 2006.

Payá’s inspirations are formed by metaphorical images from other disciplines, he brings in relation to architecture. These references go the idea and the atmosphere he imagines and materialize in its architecture. They are interpretive images, which he incorporated into the initial idea of ​​his design, and ultimately building a piece going to determine it.

Architecture is for him a simultaneous process where several factors are involved. On the one hand those that have direct connection with the discipline architecture: such as structure, construction, materials. On the other hand those which are connected to the “experience” – images being viewed, the program, … – that can be outside the discipline.